Scientists reveal plans for life on Venus in new research

New research found Venus could serve as a potential habitat in search of life beyond earth

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Scientists reveal plans for Venus in search of life beyond Earth

A new study has suggested that Venus could teach vital things about the potential for life on other planets.

According to Tech Explorist, in a new study Venus is described as an anchor point for scientists for a better understanding of the conditions that prevent life on planets around other stars.

Moreover, scientists also found that Venus hosts a pressure-cooker-like atmosphere that would instantly melt a human.

The research paper first author and UC Riverside astrophysicist, Stephen Kane said, “Currently, our maps of the planet are very incomplete. It’s very different to understand how active the surface is versus how it may have changed through time. We need both kinds of information.”

Furthermore, NASA's mission exploration could resolve numerous questions about Venus.

The paper supports the idea of sending a mission to Venus for two reasons. 

Kane explained, “The sobering part of the search for life elsewhere in the universe is that we’ll never have in situ data for an exoplanet. We aren’t going there, landing, or taking direct measurements of them.”

Kane furthered, “If we think another planet has life on the surface, we might not ever know we’re wrong, and we’d be dreaming about a planet with life that doesn’t have it. We will only get that right by properly understanding the Earth-size planets we can visit, and Venus gives us that chance.”