Windows File Explorer's 'Preview Pane' enables quick file checks: Detail

Windows File Explorer's 'Preview Pane' lets users check the contents of a file without opening it

Windows File Explorer's 'Preview Pane' enables quick file checks: Detail
Windows File Explorer's 'Preview Pane' enables quick file checks: Detail

Microsoft Windows, the leading operating system for desktop and laptop devices, offers a convenient feature for users with large file collections.

The built-in File Explorer's Preview Pane allows users to preview the content of text files, images, and sheets without the need to open each file individually, streamlining the file search process and saving valuable time.

To utilize the Preview Pane, users need to enable it manually as it is initially hidden on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

This can be done either by using the 'Alt + P' keyboard shortcut or by enabling it from the 'View' section in File Explorer.

Once enabled, users can open a folder and single-click on the file they wish to preview, triggering a preview of the file's content without opening it in a separate application.

Additionally, users can adjust the size of the preview pane by dragging the separation bar.

While the Preview Pane may not support all file types, such as zip files, it works seamlessly with most documents, images, and videos.

However, this user-friendly functionality enhances productivity and simplifies the file management experience for Windows users worldwide.