Benjamin Netanyahu defies pressure to define post-war plan for Gaza

A recent CIA assessment provides insight into Benjamin Netanyahu’s mindset

Benjamin Netanyahu defies pressure to define post-war plan for Gaza
Benjamin Netanyahu defies pressure to define post-war plan for Gaza

A recent CIA assessment, shared among US officials, suggests that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can avoid detailing a post-war plan for Gaza.

Despite the Biden administration's efforts to pressure him to end the conflict, Netanyahu seems confident he can maintain support from his security chiefs and prevent defections from the right wing of his coalition by keeping his plans vague.

The report, dated June 3 and reviewed by CNN, provides insight into Netanyahu’s mindset.

It indicates that Netanyahu will only address post-war issues after meeting key security goals, which could take months.

These goals include completing major military operations and eliminating Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, who was involved in the October 7, 2023, attacks on Israel.

This assessment comes at a time when the Biden administration is shifting its view of Israel, seeing it as an unpredictable partner.

Meanwhile, the CIA declined to comment on the report.

Senior US officials, including CIA Director Bill Burns, are currently engaged in tense negotiations with mediators between Israel and Hamas.

While, President Joe Biden recently announced a three-pronged peace proposal, Israel has shown lukewarm interest in the plan.

The relationship between Biden and Netanyahu has become strained, especially as civilian casualties in Gaza have increased. 

Moreover, Biden and other American officials have become more openly critical of Netanyahu.

In an interview with TIME magazine, Biden suggested that Netanyahu might be prolonging the war for political gain.