How to identify bee sting? Find out

There are over 20,000 bee species in the world

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There are over 20,000 bee species in the world

As the weather gets warmer, bees emerge from their winter hibernation, so the chances of getting stung by bees increase. 

There are more than 20,000 bee species, but not every species stings. Honey bees, bumblebees, and carpenter bees are among the bees that can sting. 

People usually experience mild discomfort from bee stings; however, extreme reactions may also occur. 

USA Today spoke to allergy and immunology physician Dr. Payel Gupta to learn about the bee sting, identification, and symptoms. 

As per her, one can immediately identify the bee stung by feeling sharp burning at the point of contact. 

Dr. Gupta adds that if someone is stung by bees, they will experience swelling, redness, itching, and a warm sensation around the area of the sting within a short period of time. Small white spots can also appear on the spot. 

According to WebMD, the duration of bee stings varies. At times, most of the symptoms disappear within a few hours, or sometimes it takes some days for swelling and redness to heal. The sting is completely healed in seven to 10 days.

Dr. Gupta suggested, “It really just depends on the amount of swelling and redness,” adding, try best not to touch the affected area if you feel itching, ‘because the more you rub it, the more you touch it, the worse the swelling is (going to) get.’

Boston Children’s Hospital’s data shows that almost 2 million people in the US suffer allergic reactions from bee stings. 

Gupta noted that anaphylaxis can also occur from a bee sting reaction. 

The symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include:

-  Hives that spread beyond the sting site

-  Swelling of the face, tongue, lips, and eyes

-  Breathing difficulties

-  Tightness in the chest

-  Shortness of breath

-  Fainting

Additionally, in cases of anaphylaxis, it is necessary to seek immediate medical help as it can be fatal.