Struggling with sleep? Here are some tips to fix it with your diet

Explore how diet and meal timing adjustments can enhance your sleep and overall well-being

Struggling with sleep? Here are some tips to fix it with diet
Struggling with sleep? Here are some tips to fix it with diet

Lack of sleep is linked to major health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders.

A well-balanced diet not only enhances sleep quality but also helps manage hunger hormones, which can curb night-time cravings.

By adjusting your eating habits, you can achieve better sleep and overall well-being.

According to Marie-Pierre St-Onge from Columbia University, good sleep helps balance hunger hormones, leading to fewer late-night snacks and healthier choices the next day.

Here are some dietary adjustments that can help you sleep better:

Avoid inflammatory foods:

Certain foods can negatively affect your sleep. High-sugar cereals, bagels, and fatty meats are known to cause inflammation, which can disrupt sleep.

The Mediterranean diet, full of healthy fats and a variety of fruits and vegetables, helps reduce inflammation and promotes better sleep.

Time your meals wisely:

Eating too close to bedtime can affect your sleep. Finish eating at least 2-4 hours before going to bed to allow your body to process nutrients effectively.

Heavy, sugary, or spicy foods right before bed can lead to discomfort and disrupted sleep.

A nutritious breakfast can also help regulate your sleep patterns.

Support your gut health:

Your gut microbiome plays a role in sleep quality. Consuming foods that promote gut health, such as yogurt and fermented foods, may help reduce inflammation and improve sleep. 

Start your day with vegetables:

Beginning your day with vegetables can help stabilize your appetite and blood sugar levels.

Eating a vegetable-based meal before a carb-heavy breakfast can support balanced nutrition and prevent poor sleep and unhealthy eating patterns.