Millions of Microsoft devices impacted by recent CrowdStrike software update

Microsoft revealed that the update led to widespread economic and societal impacts

Millions of Microsoft devices impacted by recent CrowdStrike software update
Millions of Microsoft devices impacted by recent CrowdStrike software update

A recent software update by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike caused a major tech outage, impacting nearly 8.5 million Microsoft devices, according to a blog post by Microsoft on Saturday.

Microsoft revealed that the update affected less than one percent of all Windows machines, but the disruption had widespread economic and societal impacts.

CrowdStrike's update led to system problems that grounded flights, forced broadcasters off the air, and left many customers without access to essential services such as healthcare and banking.

Despite the small percentage of devices affected, the use of CrowdStrike's services by enterprises running critical operations magnified the effects.

In response, CrowdStrike has developed a solution to help accelerate a fix for Microsoft's Azure infrastructure.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is also working with Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform to share information and address the issues seen across the industry.

Additionally, the air travel sector was particularly hard-hit, with thousands of flights canceled and passengers facing significant delays.