Microsoft introduces AI-enhanced ‘Bing Generative Search’ for better query results

Microsoft's new feature, 'Bing Generative Search,' could rival Google’s AI Overviews

Microsoft introduces AI-enhanced ‘Bing Generative Search’ for better query results
Microsoft introduces AI-enhanced ‘Bing Generative Search’ for better query results

Microsoft has unveiled a new AI feature for its Bing search engine called Bing Generative Search.

This tool provides users with a concise snapshot of information related to their search queries, similar to Google's AI Overviews.

This feature, currently available to a limited number of queries, aims to avoid issues like AI hallucinations that have affected similar technologies.

Bing Generative Search utilizes Microsoft's advanced language models to understand the context of user queries.

It processes vast amounts of data to generate precise and relevant search results. The feature appears in a grey box at the top of the search results page, offering a snapshot with a headline, document index, and source citations.

It can also incorporate images, videos, and tables for a richer user experience.

When Bing Generative Search is activated, traditional search results shift to the right side of the page.

The left side displays the AI-generated snapshot, followed by source links and related search results.

However, Microsoft emphasises the accuracy of this new feature, although specific details about the AI models and architecture remain undisclosed.