Elon Musk accuses Google of banning Donald Trump search results

Elon Musk warns the tech giant may face big consequences

Elon Musk accuses Google of banning Donald Trump search results
Elon Musk accuses Google of banning Donald Trump search results

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has accused Google of interfering with the US Presidential election, warning that the tech giant could face serious repercussions.

Musk shared a screenshot on his social media platform, X (formerly Twitter), showing Google search results for "president Donald" yielding "president Donald Duck" and "president Donald Regan."

He suggested that this indicated a search ban on former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

"Wow, Google has a search ban on President Donald Trump! Election interference?" Musk questioned.

He further stated that Google could be "getting themselves into a lot of trouble if they interfere with the election."

In the midst of these allegations, the presidential race between Kamala Harris and Trump remains tight.

A recent Wall Street Journal poll shows Trump slightly ahead with 49% of the vote, while Harris has 47%.

The poll also highlights increasing support for Harris among non-white voters and growing enthusiasm among Democrats for her campaign.