Crew members reveal harrowing final moments of Mike Lynch’s yacht off Sicily

Matthew Griffiths told investigators that the crew did everything they could to rescue everyone

Crew members reveal harrowing final moments of Mike Lynch’s yacht off Sicily
Crew members reveal harrowing final moments of Mike Lynch’s yacht off Sicily

Last month, a tragic incident occurred when British tech giant Mike Lynch's yacht sank in a storm off Sicily, leading to the deaths of Mike, his daughter, and five others.

According to Italian news agency Ansa, Matthew Griffiths, who was on watch duty during the disaster, reveals the harrowing final moments of the yacht before it sank.

As per Reuters, he told investigators that the crew did everything they could to rescue everyone on the yacht.

Griffiths said, "I woke up the captain when the wind was at 20 knots (23 mph/37 kph). He gave orders to wake everyone else."

He went on to share, "The ship tilted and we were thrown into the water. Then we managed to get back up and tried to rescue those we could."

Referring to passenger Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old child, he said, "We were walking on the walls (of the boat). We saved who we could, Cutfield also saved the little girl and her mother."

Griffiths, along with the boat's captain James Cutfield and ship engineer Tim Parker Eaton, are currently under investigation.

Moreover, Cutfield chose to remain silent when questioned by prosecutors on Tuesday, his lawyers said, explaining he was "worn out" and needed more time to prepare his defense.

Meanwhile, Parker Eaton said that all doors and hatches were closed when the storm hit, except for one leading to the engine room.

He stated that this door was on the opposite side of the tilt and couldn’t have caused the sinking.

In total, there were 15 survivors, and the wreck has not yet been recovered from the sea.