International world order facing ‘threat not seen since Cold War’

Intelligence services working to thwart ‘Ukraine war, Israel-Gaza tensions, resurgence of Islamic State’

Heads of the UK and US intelligence services have warned that the global order is facing a threat that “we haven’t seen since the Cold War” era.

Chiefs from MI6 as well as the CIA said that both their countries stand together to “resist an assertive Russia and Putin’s war of aggression in Ukraine.”

Writing their first-ever joint article for the Financial Times, William Burns and Sir Richard Moore pointed out the “war in Ukraine coming and were able to warn the international community.”

According to them, action is now being taken to disrupt ruthless sabotage campaigns deployed by Russia across Europe and the unfortunate events rolling out from the Israel-Gaza tension.

They’re also working on counterterrorism to “thwart the resurgent Islamic State (IS)” of Iraq.

William Burns and Sir Richard Moore wrote, “There is no question that the international world order is under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War.”

“Successfully combating this risk is at the foundation of the special relationship between the UK and the US,” they added.

With the publishing of this report, the two chiefs also made their first public appearance together at the FT Weekend Festival on Saturday for highlighting the same issues.