What would happen if we eliminated sleep from our lives? We can't even imagine it, can we? Because sleep is essential for restoring our energy, healing the bodies, and strengthening our memories.
However, some animals can survive without sleep. These animals have adapted to their environments and ways of life in such a manner that they can stay awake for extended periods or rest in alternative ways.
Let's find out about 6 animals that survive without sleep:

Dolphins are widely popular for their grace, intelligence, playful behaviour and their friendly nature towards humans. They developed a unique sleep mechanism called unihemispheric sleep that allows them to rest one half of their brain at a time while the other stay awake.

The bullfrog is the largest frog species in North America. It is found in a variety of freshwater habitats, including ponds, marshes, streams, rivers, canals and ponds. They can eat anything that fits in their mouth including insects, fish, rodents, birds and even other frogs.
Bullfrogs do not have a sleep-wake cycle. Instead, they enter a state of dormancy, during which their metabolism gets slow.

Bluefish, or Pomatomus, known for their aggressive feeding habits. They consume a variety of marine life which includes fish, squid etc. They are capable of swimming at speeds up to 70km/h and cover large distances in search of food.
Unlike other fish, bluefish don’t sleep as their continuous movement is necessary for breathing and hunting.

Giraffes are the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant on Earth. They can easily survive all day with just 5 minutes of sleep.
Fruit flies:

Fruit flies, or Drosophila play important role in genetic research due to their similarity to human genes. They have a short lifespan ranging from a few days to weeks. Interestingly, some able to survive without sleep, while others need very little rest.