If you avoid the cat’s scratches, then you should be cautious, as it could lead to severe consequences.
Recently, a tragic incident unfolded when a woman lost her leg after being scratched by a stray cat.
As per BBC, Fran Oborski's wound became infected with cellulitis, which later developed into ulcers.
Unfortunately, an allergic reaction to the dressings used on the ulcers made the situation worse, and as a result, she had to undergo an amputation.
Fran, the Wyre Forest district councillor from Kidderminster, shared, “What neither she [the nurse] nor I realised was that I was actually allergic to those dressings, which made the whole of my leg just erupt in a mass of ulcers.”
She admitted to delaying medical treatment for the initial wound, which worsened over time.
She also adviced others to get medical help right away if they notice any signs of infections.
Fran, who is soon going to receive a prosthetic leg, expressed that if she had known the consequences of delaying treatment, she would have sought medical help within 24 hours.
Despite the injury by the cat named Jaffa, she holds no anger towards the cat. In fact, Jaffa now lives in her conservatory.
"But we are very, very careful not to touch him," she said.
A consultant at Worcestershire Royal Hospital told Fran that she was likely to lose her leg within two years.
In response, she quickly decided to have the leg amputated sooner as she was frustrated with the constant doctor’s visit.