Get ready for the year's first stunning meteor shower THIS weekend

The Quadrantid meteor shower is the first major meteor event of the year

Get ready for the years first stunning meteor shower THIS weekend
Get ready for the year's first stunning meteor shower THIS weekend

With the arrival of the new year, stargazers will have the chance to see the Quadrantid meteor shower this weekend.

As per The New York Times, this meteor shower will reach its peak on the night of January 3 and 4.

The Quadrantid meteor shower is the first major meteor event of the year.

Meteor showers happen when Earth passes through the dust and debris left by a comet or asteroid as it orbits the sun.

The small pieces of debris, similar in size to grains of sand, burn up in Earth’s atmosphere, creating a bright streak of light in the sky.

The Quadrantid meteor shower is named after Quadrans Muralis, an ancient constellation no longer used by astronomers.

Both the constellation and the meteor shower are named after a tool called the “quadrant,” which was used to measure the positions of stars and other objects in the sky.

Viewing conditions and tips:

As per Michelle Nichols, the director of public observing at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, you don’t need binoculars or a telescope as you can enjoy the show with your naked eye.

For the best viewing experience, observers should find a dark, open area away from city lights.

To make the most of the meteor shower, experts recommend dressing warmly and using a reclining chair to avoid neck strain.