Certain foods can trigger eczema symptoms, especially in people that have food allergies or are sensitive to particular foods.
Eczema is a inflammatory skin condition which causes redness, itchiness and can make skin break into a rash.
There are number of foods that should be avoided to minimise the risk of eczema symptoms, including fish, milk and nuts.
Here are some foods to avoid after consulting with a doctor.
Cow's milk
Cow's milk is one of the most common food that can trigger allergies, particularly in children, which can also worsen eczema symptoms.
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However, before removing dairy product from a child's diet, it is recommended to first discuss it with their doctor as total removal of milk could develop nutrient deficiencies and other health issues.
Peanuts can cause eczema along with allergies, it is recommended to take children for allergy testing as soon as possible.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits have abundant nutrients such as vitamin C , however, they also contain an allergen known as Myroxylon pereirae, which could become a problem for people with eczema.
Allergies to soy are also common in people with eczema, and many people believe foods containing soy make their eczema flare-up.
A 2019 study revealed that people with eczema also have celiac disease, a condition in which the immune system reacts to gluten consumption.
Gluten is present in several food items such as soups and sauces.
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Notably, complete removal of any food can disturb the nutrients cycle required by the body, hence any decision should be made with a proper consultation with a doctor or nutritionist.