Obama makes surprise appearance at state dinner for Kenya

Obama was not on a guest list published by the White House

By Web Desk | May 24, 2024
Obama makes surprise appearance at state dinner for Kenya
Obama was not on a guest list published by the White House

The former US President Barak Obama has made a surprise guest appearance at the President Joe Biden’s state dinner for Kenya.

According to CNN, the invitation list for the White House state dinner hosted by Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden on Thursday included celebrities, politicians and allies of the President.

The initial long list of guest issues by the White House does not include a democratic friend of Biden, Barak Obama, who made a brief surprise appearance at the event.

Biden said to the Kenya President, William Ruto, at the state dinner, “There is a bright light at the White House tonight. Jill and I are honoured to have you here.”

He then joked that ‘many members of the African diaspora’ were at a black-tie event on Thursday, including Obama, who ‘just left.’

Biden remarked, Obama has been ‘very gracious’ and met with Ruto earlier on Thursday.

The US president also expressed that the country has a ‘strong respect’ for Kenya and recalled when former President Jimmy Carter hosted Kenyan leaders for the first time.

Biden concluded his address by saying, “Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand, to Kenya, to our guests.”

The Kenyan President also asked attendees to raise a glass to the ‘continued well-being and long life’ of President Biden and the first lady.

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