Elon Musk plans supercomputer to power next AI chatbot, reports

Elon Musk founded xAI last year to compete AI companies like Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Alphabet's Google

Elon Musk plans supercomputer to power next AI chatbot, reports
Elon Musk plans supercomputer to power next AI chatbot, reports

Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk has announced plans to build a supercomputer for his artificial intelligence startup, xAI, to power the next version of its AI chatbot, Grok.

As per Reuters, this ambitious project aims to be operational by fall 2025.

Musk made this announcement during a recent presentation to investors, highlighting that the planned supercomputer would be "at least four times the size of the biggest GPU clusters that exist today," such as those used by Meta for AI model training.

While, this supercomputer is intended to support future versions of the Grok AI model, with Grok 3 and beyond requiring the significant processing power of 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs.

Earlier this year, Musk revealed that training the Grok 2 model already required about 20,000 of these powerful GPUs.

Musk founded xAI last year to compete with major AI companies like Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Alphabet's Google.

He also mentioned the possibility of partnering with Oracle to develop the supercomputer.

However, xAI and Oracle have not yet commented on these plans.

Moreover, Nvidia’s H100 GPUs are in high demand in the AI data center chip market because of their outstanding performance, making them essential for Musk's supercomputer plans.