Here's what happens after Elon Musk makes likes private on X

Elon Musk made likes private on X to protect user privacy

Here's what happens after Elon Musk makes likes private on X
Elon Musk made likes private on X to protect user privacy

Elon Musk on Wednesday, June 12 announced that he is making all the likes private on his social media platform X, previously known as Twitter.

Just a day after making likes private, the tech giant claimed that a massive hike in the number of likes had been observed, NDTV reported.

In a post on X, Tesla's boss wrote that there has been a ‘massive increase in likes after they were made private.’

In a major update earlier on Wednesday, X made likes private. The social site engineering team, while giving details about the update, said that they are “making likes private for everyone to better protect your privacy.”

As per the update, now only the user and author can see the likes, but others cannot.

X users also received a notification that said the new change would result in better user engagement.

The message users received read, “Liking more posts will make your ‘For You’ feed better.”

According to the team, the number of likes and other metrics for posts will still show up under notifications.

Additionally, earlier, the option of keeping the likes private was only available for premium subscribers.