Health advisory issued for UEFA Euro 2024 enthusiasts

As thousands head to Germany for the UEFA Euro 2024, health officials have issued warnings for football fans

Health warnings issued for UEFA Euro 2024 fans
Health warnings issued for UEFA Euro 2024 fans

As thousands head to Germany for the UEFA Euro 2024, health officials have issued warnings for football fans. 

The World Health Organization (WHO), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and German authorities have provided guidelines to ensure fans stay healthy during the tournament.

Vaccinations and Covid-19:

Fans are advised to stay up-to-date with vaccinations, including Covid-19. 

Despite the emergency phase of Covid-19 being over, the virus still poses a risk, especially in crowded places like stadiums and pubs.

The WHO recommends checking vaccination status and consulting healthcare providers for any needed doses.

Heat and Sun exposure: 

Temperatures in Germany can reach over 30°C in July. 

Fans should take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses by staying in the shade, wearing sunscreen, drinking plenty of water, and eating light meals. 

The same advice applies to those watching from Britain, where sun exposure can also be dangerous.

Food and water safety:

Both Germany and the UK have safe tap water, but warm weather can spoil food. 

Fans should eat thoroughly cooked food, wash fruits and vegetables, and avoid food kept at room temperature for more than two hours. 

Meanwhile, maintaining Hand hygiene is also essential.

Tick-borne diseases:

Ticks, active from April to September, can transmit diseases like Lyme disease. 

Fans should avoid wooded areas, wear protective clothing, use insect repellent, and check for ticks regularly.

Viruses and other illnesses:

Apart from Covid-19, other viruses like measles and whooping cough are circulating. 

The WHO advises mask-wearing and physical distancing during high virus circulation, especially for at-risk groups.

Fans should also be cautious of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue in Germany.

Alcohol, smoking, and drugs:

Fans celebrating victories should consume alcohol responsibly. 

Excessive drinking in hot weather can cause severe health issues. The WHO advises minimal or no alcohol consumption for health and safety. 

Meanwhile, smoking poses serious health risks, and quitting is strongly recommended. 

While, cannabis is legal in Germany up to 25g, it can cause adverse reactions and long-term health issues, especially in young people. 

However, Cannabis remains illegal in the UK.

By following these guidelines, fans can enjoy the Euro 2024 while staying safe and healthy.