Putin's first visit to North Korea in 24 years sparks US concern

Putin is set to visit North Korea on June 18, the first trip in more than two decades

Putin's first visit to North Korea in 24 years sparks US concern
Putin is set to visit North Korea on June 18, the first trip in more than two decades

Russian President Vladimir Putin is all set to make a historic visit to North Korea after 24 years on Tuesday, June 18.

The Russian head of state's visit has raised alarms in the US.

The White House said that it is deeply concerned over the ‘deepening relationship between these two countries.’

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby on Monday told the press in a news conference that the US is not only concerned about the impact of Russia and North Korea's relationship on Ukraine but also because of some reciprocity that could affect security on the Korean Peninsula, NHK reported.

Kirby said, “We're not concerned about the trip. What we are concerned about is the deepening relationship between these two countries.”

Additionally, Putin, ahead of his visit to Pyongyang, praised North Korea for ‘firmly supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine.

According to BBC, the North Korean state media published a letter that says Putin promised to build trade and security systems with them that are not ‘controlled by the west.’

The Russian President also vowed to support North Korea despite ‘US pressure, military threat and blackmailing.’