King Charles can ‘never break ties’ with Prince Harry for one reason

King Charles is compelled not to abandon Prince Harry

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King Charles is compelled not to abandon Prince Harry

King Charles is said to never completely end ties with Prince Harry, even if the circumstances are forcing him to.

Speaking to OK! Magazine, a royal commentator named Jennie Bond has offer insights into the dynamics of this unique father-son relationship.

According to her, one such thing that ties these two key royal members together is their bond with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

King Charles, who has spent next to no time with his two grandchildren in person, especially can’t let them go with reports pointing that he’s “desperate” to meet them again.

Jennie Bond has expressed of hoping that Prince Harry won’t be cut out completely like Meghan Markle was by her own father during their dispute.

She said, “Having grandchildren is a powerful tug on the heartstrings. Little people who are part of your bloodline and have had nothing to do with family quarrels and tensions.”

“Utterly innocent tiny tots who deserve to know and love their grandparents. So I can imagine that King Charles very much wants to know Archie and Lilibet,” the royal expert added.

She concluded by adding that, during these tough times, King Charles must be looking out to make more special memories with Prince Harry’s children.

And so, he will likely forgive and forget whatever happened between them, being compelled by this link.