Prince William, Prince George ride emotional rollercoaster at Euro finale

Prince William, Prince George’s road to soccer heartbreak

Prince William and youngling Prince George were evidently hoping that luck would rain on England during England’s clash with Spain yesterday at the Euro grand finale.

During its first half, he was seen biting his nails down quite tensely as both athletic teams struggled to bash a score in through one goal.

As soon as the game moved to the other phase, both him and father Prince William had their eyes glued on the field with faces in hands as Spain had earned one point.

With midfielder Cole Palmer hopping in and immediately banging the ball into the net, England cracked one goal as well, bringing some relief on Prince George’s jumpy expressions.

As he looked delighted wringing both of his hands up out of excitement, Prince William punched the air in a standing position from newly found happiness!

But only minutes from the final whistle, Spain managed to bargain in another point, leaving the Prince of Wales and his ten-year-old in extreme disappointment.

According to Mirror, both of them were observed pulling “scared for life” faces when England almost tapped in another mark… alas! It wasn’t meant to be.