King Charles, Prince William make sudden changes in plans after major loss

King Charles and Prince William cancelled plans after a big loss

King Charles, and Prince William make sudden changes in plans after major loss
King Charles, and Prince William make sudden changes in plans after major loss

Prince William and King Charles made a sudden change in plans as they unexpectedly cancelled a highly anticipated meeting at Buckingham Palace.

As per reports, the British Monarch and his son the Prince of Wales cancelled a special meeting with the England squad at Buckingham Palace after Spain beat England 2-1 in the final of the European Football Championships, Euro 2024.

It was reported last week that preparations were on for an open-top bus parade through the streets of London on Tuesday, July 16th, should England win.

The path would have carried England players to Buckingham Palace, where Prince William and King Charles would have hosted a banquet honouring Southgate and the squad.

But after the defeat in Germany, these preparations are believed to have been cancelled.

The monarch expressed his feeling after defeat, "Mr. Gareth Southgate O.B.E.”

He added, "Although victory may have eluded you this evening, nevertheless my wife and I join all my family in urging you and your support team to hold your heads high.”

King Charles continued, "All those who have participated in sporting activities at any level will know how utterly despairing such a result can feel when the prize was so near - and will join me in sending heartfelt sympathy, even as we congratulate Spain.”

He concluded, “But please know that your success in reaching the European Championship final is a really great achievement in itself, and one that brings with it the pride of a nation which will continue to roar for the Three Lions today – and in the many triumphs which I have no doubt lie ahead.”