King Charles' desperation over Harry after Queen's death laid bare

King Charles took the reigns of the British monarchy after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth

King Charles took the reigns of the British monarchy after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth
King Charles took the reigns of the British monarchy after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth

King Charles took the reigns of the British monarchy after the death of his mother, the very popular late Queen Elizabeth, and found himself in ‘desperation’ as per a royal expert.

Soon after the death of the late Queen, Charles is said to have been faced with taking some ‘tricky decisions’, specially concerning his son Prince Harry, whose relations with the royal family had famously been strained in the years leading up to the Queen’s death.

Talking about the challenges King Charles faced right after the Queen’s death in his new book Charles III: New King, New Court, The Inside Story, royal author Robert Hardman claims that on the day the Queen died, Charles decided he would ‘sit down’ with his son Prince William but that they wouldn’t invite Harry.

The new King ‘needed a clear head and no distractions,’ as per Hardman, who also wrote that while once Harry would have definitely been invited to sit down with William and Charles, “But not anymore.”

“This was clearly not an occasion for an opening up of hearts and minds with Prince Harry, particularly if he was still taking notes for his forthcoming book,” Hardman explained.

For those unversed, Prince William and Charles famously prepared for the Queen’s mourning period at Birkhall, Charles’ Balmoral residence. Meanwhile, Prince Harry arrived at Balmoral after the Queen had passed and was greeted by his aunt, Princess Anne.