Kamala Harris claims to secure required delegates for Democratic nomination

Joe Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for the party's presidential nomination after withdrawing from race

Kamala Harris claims to secure required delegates for Democratic nomination
Kamala Harris claims to secure required delegates for Democratic nomination

The Vice President of the US, Kamala Harris, claimed that she had earned enough support from the delegates to earn the Democratic Party’s nomination as presidential candidate.

According to Sky News, “Tonight, I am proud to have secured the broad support needed to become our party's nominee, and as a daughter of California, I am proud that my home state's delegation helped put our campaign over the top. I look forward to formally accepting the nomination soon.”

Harris further added, “I am grateful to President Biden and everyone in the Democratic Party who has already put their faith in me, and I look forward to taking our case directly to the American people."

As per an unofficial survey, Harris had 2,214 delegates, which is far more than the required number of 1,976.

However, the final decision regarding the official candidate of the party will be made after the ‘roll call’ at the Democratic Party Convention on August 19 in Chicago.

To note, Kamala's campaign announced on Monday, July 22, that during her first day as a candidate, she raised $81 million, which is the largest raise by any candidate in 24 hours.