Prince Harry takes aim at his family in explosive interview

The Duke of Sussex 'dug' at the Royal family during a recent discussion

Prince Harry takes aim at his family in explosive interview
Prince Harry takes aim at his family in explosive interview

Prince Harry has made headlines with pointed remarks about his family.

As per GB News, the royal commentator Jennie Bond has claimed that the Duke of Sussex “dug’ at the Royal family during a recent discussion with the broadcaster in a documentary named Tabloids on Trial.

Becca Barry asked from Prince Harry in an Interview, "To what extent do you think your determination to fight the tabloids destroyed your relationship with your family?"

The duke replied, "It is certainly a central piece to it. It is a hard question to answer because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press.”

He added, "I have made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done.”

Harry continued, “"It would be nice if we did it as a family, I believe from a service standpoint and when you are in a public role these are the things we should be doing for the greater good. I am doing this for my reasons."

Jennie Bond said, "He was asked directly, 'do you think your determination to pursue your mission against the tabloids is the reason for your rift with the Royal Family'?”

She noted, "And he said it was a central piece of that rift. So he is blaming the tabloids for that. And of course, that was part of his book, Spare,” adding, "That was full of references to the fact that the rest of the family did not want to pursue publicly their feelings about the tabloids in the way that Harry wanted.”

Bond mentioned, "Harry said that his father, Charles, said it was a suicide mission to try to bring the tabloids to book, but he feels that he is very well placed to do it.”