Adele breaks 2 big records while announcing disappointing career break

Adele went down in Guinness World Record book after last performance

Adele went down in Guinness World Record book after last performance
Adele went down in Guinness World Record book after last performance

Adele not only broke down in joyous tears, but went on to break two big musical records while announcing a dishearteningly “incredibly long” break from her career.

Last weekend, she ended a spectacular £100million Munich residency venue, the two recent shows from which earned her Guinness World Records!

First one was for over 730,000 joining in from across the globe to hear the signer pop some great tunes as part of a sequence of her ten open-air concerts.

These gigs rolled out at a Messe in Riem arena, which had been customized just for Adele.

Named ‘Adele World,’ the area offered a diverse range of entertainment and catering options, thus attracting so many visitors for its first-of-kind services.

As per Daily Mail, the “highest attendance of any concert residence outside Las Vegas” was registed.

Now, the second record was for Adele having “the largest continuous outdoor LED screen” at the performance site.

Giving air to her singing break, she said, “I have really enjoyed performing for nearly three years now, which is the longest I’ve ever done and probably the longest I will ever do.”

“I will not see you for an incredibly long time, and I will hold you dear in my heart for that whole length of my break. I have spent the last seven years building a new life for myself, and I want to live it now,” Adele choked tears.