Google enhances Chrome with new AI features for smarter tab organization

The updates include new functionalities for Chrome on iOS and two cross-platform enhancements

Google enhances Chrome with new AI features for smarter tab organization
Google enhances Chrome with new AI features for smarter tab organization

Google Chrome has rolled out three new artificial intelligence (AI) features designed to enhance tab management.

Announced on Tuesday, these updates include new functionalities for Chrome on iOS and two cross-platform enhancements.

In a blog post, Google highlighted that these updates aim to simplify managing multiple tabs, which can often be challenging.

The first feature, available exclusively on Chrome for iOS, introduces tab grouping to this platform. This feature, already present on Android and desktop versions, lets iOS users group tabs, assign custom colors and names, and arrange them for better organization.

Another upcoming feature will allow users to save and sync their tab groups across all devices. This means users can start a project on one device and pick up where they left off on another, without losing any tabs or URLs. This feature is still in development.

The third feature, currently experimental, uses AI to suggest web pages for users to revisit based on their previously opened tabs across devices. This will help users avoid the hassle of bookmarking or remembering URLs.

However, Google has yet to explain how the AI will prioritize which pages to suggest or if users can influence these suggestions.