3 skincare myths vs facts: Misconceptions that could ruin your glow

The biggest skincare myths busted that might be the culprit behind your dull skin

3 skincare myths vs facts: Misconceptions that could ruin your glow
3 skincare myths vs facts: Misconceptions that could ruin your glow

Skincare is the most crucial step in keeping the skin look young, flawless, and glowing. However, despite the availability of tons of information on the internet, still many people fall prey to the misconceptions that eventually leads to damaged and ruined skin.

Here are the three biggest skincare myths that need to be debunked for your skin to achieve the flawless glow you have always desired.

1- Sunscreen is only for sunny days:

The most common skincare myth that is widely believed by most of the people is that your skin does not need sunscreen on cloudy or rainy days, however, it is untrue as harmful UV rays can penetrate through the clouds and can damage the skin.

Hence, it is necessary to wear sunscreen every day regardless of the weather and season.

2- Oily skin needs no moisturizer:

Another commonly trusted skincare misconception is that people with oily skin do not need to apply moisturizer as the skin already produces oil to keep itself moisture.

But the fact is all skin types, even the oily one, need hydration and moisture. Skipping moisturizer makes skin dry which signals the brain to produce more oil which eventually makes the skin more oily and enlarges pores due to excessive sebum production.

However, people with oily skin can opt for lightweight and water based moisturizers that do not clog the pores.

3- Only older people need anti-aging products:

One more common skincare myth that requires debunking is that young people do not need anti-aging products, and they are only to be used by the older individuals.

However, prevention is the key when it comes to anti-aging. Many dermatologists suggest that including anti-aging products in your skincare routine should be started at the age of 25 to delay the onset of aging signs.

Adding anti-aging ingredients like retinoids, antioxidants, and sunscreen can prove to be beneficial to maintain the youthful look of the skin.