Sara Piffer, a rising star in the cycling world, passed away after being hit by a car in Italy’s northern Trentino region.
The 19-year-old cyclist died during a training outing on Friday, as per the Italian Professional Cyclists’ Association (ACCPI), as reported by The Guardian.
After the horrific incident, the paramedics did their utmost to save her life, along with the evacuation by a hospital helicopter, but it didn't help.
"Our thoughts are with the family of our associate, with Mendelspeck, with the group companions, and with all those who today are devastated by the pain of yet another life lost to road violence," the ACCPI said in a statement.
The team Mendelspeck rider was training between Mezzocorona and Mezzolombardo when a car smacked into her while attempting to overtake another vehicle.
Sara was riding alongside her brother Christian, who sustained minor injuries.
The Italian cyclist joined the continental-level team last year and had a blasting season, including victory at the Under-23 Giornata Nazionale Rosa one-day race and fourth place in the team time trial at October’s Italian national championships.
Team director Renato Pirrone described her as a "fantastic person, really motivated. She was a very talented person, but now we are left with the pain of what could have been and won’t ever come to pass."
Sara was also a gifted track racer, placing second in the Madison in the Italian Nationals in 2021.