Apple explores new 'battery replacement technology' for future iPhones

Apple may allow users to remove the battery with a small electric jolt

By Web Desk | June 30, 2024
Apple explores new 'battery replacement technology' for future iPhones
Apple explores new 'battery replacement technology' for future iPhones

Apple is reportedly developing a new technology to simplify battery replacement in future iPhone models.

As per Gadget360, the company is said to be working on "electrically induced adhesive debonding" technology, which would allow users to remove the battery by administering a small jolt of electricity.

This development comes as the European Union is expected to mandate removable batteries for electronics.

Currently, iPhone batteries are covered in foil and held in place with adhesive strips, making the removal process difficult.

Users need to use tweezers to pry the battery out, as detailed on Apple's support page.

The new technology could encase the batteries in metal instead of foil, allowing them to be "dislodged" more easily.

However, Apple will likely continue to advise against self-repair.

Apple is reportedly planning to equip one model from the iPhone 16 series with this easier-to-replace battery technology, with the possibility of expanding it to all models next year.

Although Apple has not officially confirmed these plans, more details may emerge when the iPhone 16 series is unveiled.

Additionally, this potential change aligns with Apple's efforts to comply with upcoming EU regulations and improve the user experience.

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