Prince William holds secret meeting with British Secret Intelligence service

Prince William pays secret visit to the M16 headquarters this Thursday

Prince William holds secret meeting with British Secret Intelligence service
Prince William pays secret visit to the M16 headquarters this Thursday 

Prince William paid a visit to the London’s M16 headquarters privately prior to the Trooping the Colour event. 

With a lot already going on the royal end, the Prince of Wales made it a point to set foot at the headquarters solo without his wife Kate Middleton.

The 41-year-old met with the British Intelligence service on Thursday, June 13.

William’s latest visit came to light after he was spotted leaving the M16 premises.

In usual cases, such visits have to be announce prior but William with the royal title had the privilege to meet without any advance notice.

As per reports gathered by The Telegraph, Friday’s court circular informed the readers about the meeting, "The Prince of Wales this afternoon visited the Secret Intelligence Service.”

However, the details of the meeting stayed under wraps and it is also unknown with whom William graced the meeting.

While his latest meeting surely grabbed eyeballs, it wasn’t the first time the heir to the throne had such a private meeting. In the year 2022, William paid a similar visit to the headquarters but as the Duke of Cambridge.

Back in 2012, Prince William had the honour to visit the M16 headquarters but with wife Kate Middleton, who now has been diagnosed with cancer.