Is cheese a secret weapon for shedding pounds?

Cheese, often viewed as high in calories, is now seen as a beneficial part of weight loss diets

Is cheese a secret weapon for shedding pounds?
Is cheese a secret weapon for shedding pounds?

Cheese, often viewed as high in calories, is now seen as a beneficial part of weight loss diets.

Despite common beliefs, many types of cheese are low in calories and packed with protein, making them suitable for a balanced diet.

It also provides essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, crucial for bone health. Fats in cheese, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), support weight loss by reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass.

Best cheeses for weight loss:

Cottage cheese:

Cottage cheese is high in protein (24 grams per cup) and low in calories (180 per cup). 

It is versatile for sweet and savoury dishes, making it a great option for weight loss.

Parmesan cheese:

Parmesan's strong flavour means you only need a small amount (20 calories per tablespoon) to enhance your meals.

It's great for sprinkling on salads, pasta, and vegetables.


Labneh is a lower-calorie soft cheese made from strained yogurt. 

It contains probiotics and is versatile as a garnish or spread, perfect for various dishes.

Part-skim mozzarella cheese:

Part-skim mozzarella is low in calories (70 per ounce) and sodium. 

It can be enjoyed as a snack or added to various dishes without adding too many calories.

Goat cheese:

Goat cheese is lower in fat and calories (75 per ounce) compared to other cheeses. 

Its pungent flavour means a small amount is sufficient for adding taste to your meals.


Quark is a high-protein option popular in Germany. 

Non-fat plain quark contains 90 calories and 11 grams of protein per half-cup, making it a satisfying addition to your diet.

Tips for choosing cheese for weight loss:

Calories: Check the nutrition label to ensure the calories per serving fit your goals.

Fat: Opt for low-fat, part-skim, or reduced-fat cheeses.

Protein: Choose cheeses high in protein, like cottage cheese, labneh, and quark.