Prince William to terminate royal traditions for modernizing monarchy

Prince William’s agenda seeks the end of music, costumes, carriages

Prince William has reportedly planned to wipe out royal traditions for modernizing the British monarchy once he takes over the throne.

According to Royal Observer, the Prince of Wales will “come after” the royal costumes, music, carriages, and theatres on the day he is crowned as the next King.

A close friend of Prince William directly informed royal expert Richard Eden of this master plan.

“What he told me left me worried about the future of the monarchy,” the commentator said, adding that Trooping the Colour or Royal Ascot will no longer be celebrated.

And with this, he revealed another one of the Prince of Wales’ schemes.

Richard Eden stated, “When the older members of the family retire, Prince William won’t be inviting anyone else to become working royals.”

It’s expected that the grand British monarchy will also be on its way out as this is the only system left that still “maintains centuries-old opulent pomp, pageantry, medieval rituals.”

The expert has claimed that Prince William is taking inspiration from the modernity of continental Europe, which uses bicycles instead of carriages or Rolls-Royce.

While King Charles is also known as a “modernizing monarch,” he reportedly doesn’t want to diminish or destroy the British theatre with drastic changes.