Britney Spears did not reconcile with kids yet, says insider

Britney Spears hasn’t seen her children for the past 3 years

Britney Spears hasn’t seen her children for the past 3 years
Britney Spears hasn’t seen her children for the past 3 years

Britney Spears has not yet ironed out the differences with her children, contrary to previous circulation of reports claiming that they have reconciled.

Recently, there were many stories emerging about sons Sean Preston and Jayden James having reestablished communication with their mum for months now.

But insiders have told TMZ that these claims are actually not true.

According to the media portal, the two children did reach out to Britney Spears, but they only had one single conversation.

It took place as a formality on Mothers’ Day, and that’s about it.

As for other sources suggesting that the singer popped in to meet her kids when she visited Hawaii several times this year have been simply misinformed.

People close to Britney Spears have revealed that she has not seen both Sean Preston and Jayden James for over three years now.

While the children haven’t entirely ruled out the idea of getting back with their mother, they have a lot of past mistakes to work through first.

An insider said, “Years of aberrant behavior and troubling conduct can't be easily erased." The source adds, "There's no evidence things have gotten better.”