Prince Harry talks of ‘sadness that eats away’ in heart wrenching new interview

Prince Harry opened up about losing his mom Princess Diana at an early age

Prince Harry opened up about losing his mom Princess Diana at an early age
Prince Harry opened up about losing his mom Princess Diana at an early age

Prince Harry is once again looking back at his mother, Princess Diana’s, tragic death and talking about heart wrenching ‘sadness’ that ‘eats away at you’.

The Duke of Sussex sat down with Nikki Scott, the founder of Scotty’s Little Soldiers, for a heartfelt tête-à-tête about losing a parent at an early age.

For those unversed, Prince Harry and brother Prince William, lost their mom Diana in a horrific car accident in 1997, when they were both just barely into their teens; Harry was 12.

Talking about how he didn’t quite know how to get through losing a parent at the age, Harry told Nikki, “You convince yourself that the person that you’ve lost wants you to be sad for as long as possible to prove that they’re missed.”

“Then there’s this realisation of ‘they must want me to be happy’,” Prince Harry added.

The 39-year-old Harry, who is now father to two kids himself, then shared how grief must be felt and not kept locked away.

“You can’t suppress it forever, it’s not sustainable. It will eat away at you inside,” Harry said.

Prince Harry’s talk with Nikki Scott was especially heartfelt, as Nikki started Scotty’s Little Soldiers after losing her husband in Afghanistan, where Harry himself served for some years.