Kim Kardashian drags Khloé Kardashian for ‘momshaming’ her

Kim Kardashian exploded at Khloé Kardashian over Chicago West’s hair

Kim Kardashian has put Khloé Kardashian on trial for “momshaming” her over a parenting misunderstanding.

On the latest episode of their hit series, The Kardashians, she decided to clear things up with her younger sister before they head out for a family trip to Colorado.

Coming out in the open, Kim Kardashian confessed that she didn’t like the way Khloé Kardashian taunted her for daughter Chicago West’s hair.

“I don’t know if condescending’s the word, but you’re very shaming,” the model told her sibling, criticizing the way with which her sneer was “delivered.”

The background story on the matter is that Kris Jenner had washed Chicago West hair before school one day.

On her way out, the 6-year-old decided to put a lot of hair gel on.

Khloé Kardashian, who lives next door, then called her mom, asking to fix her hair.

Kim Kardashian blasted, “You were calling to not really ask me if you could do the hair, but to let me know that her hair wasn’t washed and it was gross.”

This claim was however rejected by her younger sister, who retaliated, “All I said was, 'Do you mind if I do Chicago’s hair?' Because I know you’re very particular.”

“I know her hair looks s***ty, thank you for reminding me that I didn’t have the time to do her f**king hair one night before bed and f**king wash it,” the socialite responded.

Later on, Khloé Kardashian confessed of having no idea Kim Kardashian was still “holding onto it” because she was allowed to wash Chicago West’s hair that day.