Emilia Clarke to occupy the seat of a director soon

Emilia Clarke will dust acting for carving time out to direct

Emilia Clarke will dust up acting for carving time out to direct
Emilia Clarke will dust up acting for carving time out to direct

Emilia Clarke has sought to add a new flavor in her Hollywood career.

While telling People Magazine about a new partnership in a recent interview, she took the opportunity to open up about her desire to head for directing a production soon.

But the actor doesn’t walk to rush things up just yet.

“Oh my goodness, down the road, for sure… It’s something I would love,” she said, speaking of occupying the seat of a director somewhere in the future.

Emilia Clarke pointed, “Right now, though, I feel like I have a lot more acting first left in me.”

She then went on to highlight her love for recording people, making them presentable, and igniting the fire within them.

The star continued, “I mean, my favorite thing is to help people put themselves on tape for auditions. I’m like, 'Yeah, I’ll do it.' I love it. I absolutely love it.”

“The thing about being a director is you need to take out two years of your life to just solely do that one thing. And I'm like, 'Yeah, but I'd kind of want to be acting more,” She added.

In the very next second, Emilia Clarke reaffirmed that she will still not back out from directing because “that’d be amazing.”