Camila Cabello criticized for asking Drake, Kendrick Lamar to sort feud out

Camila Cabello denounced for past ‘racist remarks’

Camila Cabello denounced for past ‘racist remarks’
Camila Cabello denounced for past ‘racist remarks’

Camila Cabello has been slammed for her previous “racist remarks” after she recently asked friends Drake and Kendrick Lamar to sort their rap beef out.

Speaking to Sunday Times, the singer said, “It’s so frustrating to see people talk about someone you know negatively. You’re like, ‘Dang, if only you guys could just have dinner or something.’ ”

While some people have appreciated her suggestion of sorting a feud out through open communication, not everyone is happy that it’s coming from Camila Cabello.

This is because she waddled into a personal race controversy in the past, where there were racial statements posted on her now-deleted Tumblr account.

Although the vocalist apologized for those soon enough, many are still not buying her new remarks on a fight between two black rappers.

In 2019, she wrote on Twitter of being “deeply ashamed” of her behavior, and even revealed of attending “weekly racial healing sessions.”

Recounting those unkind words from Camila Cabello’s Tumblr profile, one user wrote on X, “I remember she got sent to a racist rehab and said that she was healed.”

“No one’s taking advice from a known racist,” another quipped.