Queen Camilla praised as ‘cool cucumber’ during intense showdowns

Queen Camilla doesn’t lose sleep over safety concerns

Queen Camilla is being applauded for pulling on a “cool cucumber” attitude as a security alarm went off at a recent royal on Channel Islands with King Charles.

It was on Monday, July 15, that she was handed an ice cream one moment, and in the next instance, was whisked away from a safety concern.

As Your Majesty’s wife is known for having an expressive face, royal observers might have guessed shocking expressions out of her, but actually, she remained very calm throughout.

Royal reporter Michael Cole informed GBN, “I’m sure there’s a sort of heightened sense of security. But what stands out for me is the coolness of Queen Camilla.”

“She was eating an ice cream at the time, one of her aides whispered in her ear that there was a security concern, and she was taken away with King Charles to a nearby hotel,” he added.

The Queen consort however maintained composure, not bringing a single wrinkle of worry on her face.

“Queen Camilla continued eating her ice cream, so rather like Drake before the Armada, she concentrated on the important things first,” Michael Cole joked.