Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie’s relationship cracked because of parenting

Angelina Jolie called it quits over Brad Pitt’s strict rules

Angelina Jolie called it quits over Brad Pitt’s strict rules
Angelina Jolie called it quits over Brad Pitt’s strict rules

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wanted to raise their six children with very different methods cemented in mind, and the argument over it reportedly let to the couple’s divorce.

Speaking to People Magazine in a new report, a source claimed that these two stars abided by divergent approaches that they wouldn’t dare shift from.

A person said, “During their marriage, they had very different parenting styles. Brad Pitt grew up with structure and wanted more rules for the kids.”

“Angelina Jolie had a different upbringing and wanted the kids to be more independent and responsible for their own schedules from a young age,” they added.

Despite wishing for the same future when it came to their offspring, bitterness grew because of them not seeing eye-to-eye.

And, then, Brad Pitt crudely misbehaving with Angelia Jolie and their younglings ended it once and for all by drawing the final line.

The same insider continued, “They clashed over this. However, they did always have the same vision for their kids’ future.”

“They wanted the kids to thrive by experiencing the world first-hand and not only learn from traditional schooling,” they concluded.