King Charles shuffles August with exciting summer plans

King Charles to revive royal customs

King Charles will be enjoying a lengthy summer break in Scotland during the coming month of August.

According to Mail on Sunday, he is set to continue an old royal tradition, following into the footsteps of mother Queen Elizabeth II, who loved spending her summer break at the Balmoral Castle.

Your Majesty is expected to be retreating to the same property this year, and will stay there until the very last of September or shall possibly return early in October.

As informed by the media portal, King Charles’ close aides have said that he is planning on a longer vacation for 2024, keeping his cancer treatment in mind.

He reportedly wants to spend more time with his family after having quite a busy first half carrying out royal duties as the Monarch, much to Queen Camilla’s worry about his health.

Last year, Your Majesty had shook things in his summer approach by coming back to London earlier since he had to visit France in September.

Now, he has a clearer schedule, allowing him to lay low for a prolonged period, but one thing will seemingly remain the same.

It’s that King Charles has once again not invited Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for spending their holidays with him.