King Charles lands President Emmanuel Macron’s office in €8.3m deficit

King Charles’ grand dinner treat warned by French auditors

King Charles was treated to a grand £400k worth of dinner last year by French President Emmanuel Macron, who has now been warned for slumping the office into a deficit!

It was back in September 2023 when Your Majesty was invited to the Palace of Versailles for a lush state banquet, which was attended by more than 150 people.

This was hosted in a bid by Emmanuel Macron to improve Paris’ relations with London.

Now, as per an alert coming from a top audit court in France, he has been cautioned from entertaining guests with such extravagant show of high spending.

At the dinner party, King Charles dined on lobsters, crabs, vintage wines, poultry marinated in champagne, and macarons filled with raspberry compote.

According to The Guardian, this audit report highlighted that €474,851 were paid out for the feast with €166,193 being handed to caterers and €42,515 thrown away on a variety of drinks.

Of course, King Charles was impressed! He told Emmanuel Macron, “Your generosity of spirit brings to mind how my family and I were so greatly moved by the tributes paid in France to my mother.”

The French politician had also blown €412,366 on a meal party with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was taken to the Louvre Museum.

Because of these money squandering, his presidential office stands at a deficit of €8.3m!