3 hidden warning signs your kidney might be struggling

In its early stages, kidney problems usually go unnoticed, but there are some symptoms you may notice

3 hidden warning signs your kidney might be struggling
3 hidden warning signs your kidney might be struggling

Kidneys are a pair of organs that function to remove waste and extra fluid from the blood and flush them out of the body. It also helps keep the levels of chemicals like sodium, potassium, and calcium balanced.

The kidneys are also responsible for making hormones that regulate blood pressure. However, if this pair of organs begins to lose proper functioning, it can lead to the accumulation of extra water and waste products as they become unable to perform the filtration process.

Below is the list of 3 silent warning signs that can indicate abnormality in the kidney functions.

1- Fatigue:

Kidneys are responsible for flushing out toxins from the body by filtering blood; however, when they do not work properly, it leads to toxin buildup, which eventually results in a drained level of energy, making a person feel tired.

They are also functioned to make red blood cells, and with improper functioning, they fail to do so, which contributes towards fewer RBCs, due to which blood cannot deliver the proper amount of oxygen to muscles and the brain.

2- Foamy or bloody urine:

Insufficient function of kidneys can lead to high levels of protein called albumin in the urine, which ends up giving it a foamy look.

Improper kidney functioning can also cause urine to turn brownish or very pale and can also increase the risk of blood leakage into the bladder. Blood in the urine can also be a result of kidney stones, tumours, and infection.

3- Muscle cramp:

Poor kidney function can also result in muscle cramps as it can imbalance the chemical levels in the body, eventually leading to interruption in muscle and nerve proper work.