Lauryn Goodman reveals ENTIRE infidelity text she sent to Kyle Walker’s wife

Lauryn Goodman disclosed full text message that broke Annie Kilner’s marriage with Kyle Walker

Lauryn Goodman disclosed full text message that broke Annie Kilner’s marriage with Kyle Walker
Lauryn Goodman disclosed full text message that broke Annie Kilner’s marriage with Kyle Walker

Lauryn Goodman has given away the entire text that she had sent to Kyle Walker’s wife Annie Kilner last December in a bid to reveal his infidelity to her.

After receiving this message, the footballer’s spouse was reportedly so stressed that she kicked him out of their marital house.

It read, “Hey, it’s Lauryn Goodman. I just wanted to tell you that Kyle Walker is the father of our daughter. He’s been having a relationship with us all, including the baby.”

“I’ve got everything to prove it. I wanted to have the decency to tell you. If you want to speak further we can but he’s been lying to us both. He doesn’t want us to speak,” the passage continued.

Lauryn Goodman reveals ENTIRE infidelity text she sent to Kyle Walker’s wife

Then, Lauryn Goodman warned Annie Kilner from reaching out to her husband’s friends to verify his cheating scandal as they are allegedly involved in his affairs.

Her statement even revealed that the footballer had signed a legal agreement with her, so she couldn’t expose him in public.

The media personality went on, “He’ll gaslight you saying why hasn’t she put it out there, knowing we have a legal agreement atm. He’ll probably say I’m a nutter or obsessed to get you.”

“All his boys have known from the start, so don’t trust them. I’m sorry. Think back to all your messages. Your messages in March with him, how weird he was acting before the World Cup,” she concluded.

After this, Lauryn Goodman claimed to have had several “civil” conversations with Annie Kilner on FaceTime as well as text messages, where they apologized to each other.

She shared the screenshot to her Instagram profile today, on September 16, and so far, Kyle Walker and his spouse haven’t responded.