Kate Middleton receives crucial health advice after completing chemotherapy

Princess Kate given key advice before officially resuming her royal duties for the first time after cancer

Kate Middleton is set to resume Royal engagements after cancer treatment as she recently conducted her first official meeting, however, the experts have given her a crucial advice.

The Princess of Wales, who was diagnosed with cancer in January this year, shared the delightful update of beating the fatal disease earlier this month after nine months of preventive chemotherapy.

Shortly after Catherine’s meeting at Windsor Castle Kate was advised to slow down a bit as she hasn’t fully recovered from cancer yet.

The late Queen Elizabeth II’s press spokesman from 1998 until 2000, Dickie Arbiter, spoke to Express about Kate’s latest move.

“It will be a slow adjustment to getting back on duty and we mustn’t expect anything mammoth overnight,” he said.

Dickie added, “The fact that she had a meeting earlier this week is a good sign, a good sign that she is engaging with other people other than just her family.”

“We shouldn’t be pushing her and she certainly shouldn’t be pushing herself to keep people happy that she is coming back, she will do it gradually and in her time … She’s not out of the woods yet and we must allow her to pace herself,” he emphasized.

He also stressed that Kate Middleton’s future engagements will only be arranged under her medical team’s guidelines, “It’s not just about her, it’s not just about the monarchy and the United Kingdom it is about her family as well.”

In her video message earlier this month, Kate noted, “Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes.”