In a surprising turn of events, Pakistan’s first ever 2D hand-drawn animated film, The Glassworker, has been chosen for official submission for the Oscars 2025.
The Glassworker, which was released on July 26, 2024, has made it to the list of films competing in the International Feature Film category at the 97th Academy Awards.
Usman Riaz, the director of Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animation turned to his Instagram account on Thursday to share the good news with his fans, sharing a news article from Variety.
Alongside an intriguing poster of the film, Usman penned a heartfelt caption, “‘The Glassworker’ Selected as Pakistan’s Official Submission for the 2025 Oscars.”
It added, “We are proud to announce that The Glassworker has been selected as Pakistan’s submission for the International Feature Film category at the 2025 Oscars. This marks the first time a 2D hand-drawn animated film from Pakistan has been chosen for this prestigious honor.”
Meanwhile, the Pakistani Academy Selection Committee, stated, “Usman and Mano’s work has demonstrated exceptional storytelling and artistry while breaking new ground for animation in Pakistan. This achievement will be remembered in our cinematic history.”
Usman Riaz also expressed his gratitude noting, "The Glassworker represents a decade of passion and perseverance."
He added, "I am deeply humbled by the selection and hope this story resonates with audiences everywhere, showcasing the talent and creativity Pakistan has to offer."