Are you curious about how many times it's normal to get up at night to urinate depending on age?
Well, recent reports suggest that waking up at night to go to the bathroom is quite common and typically not a cause for concern.
Doctors say it’s normal for people under 60 years old to wake up once during the night to urinate.
They suggest that nocturia (need to urinate during the night) can be caused by multiple reasons or health issues.
“Some, such as drinking too much later in the evening, or having too many caffeinated drinks throughout the day, may be easy to solve,” said nurse, Davina Richardson, at charity Bladder and Bowel UK, as per Daily Mail.
If you find yourself waking up more than once during the night to urinate, it might be a sign of a health problem.
Needing to use the bathroom excessively can be a sign of several different health problems.
These problems can range from less serious conditions like a urinary tract infection, to more serious ones, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, or even heart disease.
As per NHS, for the over-70s, waking up to pee twice each night is relatively normal.
As people age, especially in their 90s, they may need to urinate more frequently at night, up to four times.
This happens because the body produces less of a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which usually helps reduce the need to urinate by keeping the body from producing too much urine.
While, experiencing symptoms like extreme thirst, weight loss, blurry vision and frequent urination could be signs of diabetes.
Frequent urination can also be caused by other factors like kidney stones, an overactive bladder, certain medications, sleep problem or drinking too much fluid.
To manage nocturia, it is recommended to reduce the intake of caffeine, fizzy drinks and alcohol.
The NHS also recommends having the last drink of water earlier, such as by 8pm, to prevent waking up in the night.