Danish Crown Prince Christine set to embark on a new venture of his life as he began an exciting chapter on Monday.
As per Hello Magazine, the 19-year-old future king spotted along while arriving to enroll for his military training with the Gardehusarregimentet (Grand Hussar Regiment).
His parents King Frederik and Queen Mary, who were busy in back-to- back royal engagement, were absent during the arrival of Prince Christine at Antvorskov barracks in Slagelse, Denmark.
The crown prince is set to enroll for four months of basic military training and will live at the barracks, which are located an hour's drive from his royal residence at Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg in Copenhagen.
To note, his new chapter is kicked off after his gap year and spent time in East Africa last autumn for three months, where he worked on two farms and learned about conservation.
He made a very lowkey arrival at the barracks as his fellow comrades, any fanfare all were not there with him.
He was dressed casually in a dark button-up jacket, grey-washed jeans and trainers.
While passing through the gate Prince Christine shared his feelings, telling the waiting media, "I'm excited and I'm looking forward to it."
Notably the prince joined his parents, the Danish Monarch and Queen as they hosted their first New Year's receptions at the palace.
Christian also has three younger siblings, Princess Isabella, 17, and 14-year-old twins, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine.