Recently, Politician Faisal Sabzwari and his wife Madeha Naqvi who is a newscaster made an appearance on a talk show and spoke about the current situation of Pakistan’s education system.
Sabzwari opened up about struggles of being a politician, he shared, “You have to be careful what you say in front of the camera. You also have less time to think about what it is you should say. You can say one wrong word, and it will be immortalized on social media. So, it’s a difficult job.”
Naqvi then detailed her experience of being a talk show host, “If you aren’t fumbling, then you aren’t having fun. It’s been a long time since that has happened, and even when I do fumble, I speak so fast that people usually aren’t able to pick up on it.”
Sabzwari revealed whether he and his wife get affected by each other’s political views, he said, “I don’t think so. Sometimes, if the news is airing, then we’ll talk about it. Sometimes I have to ask her to tone it down and not be so emotional. She isn’t a politician but she has very strong views, and incidentally, they are in line with mine on major issues.”
Madeha spoke about the first meeting with husband, she stated, “As a news anchor, when I would cover his press conferences, I would think of him as a very well-spoken and respectful man, since he doesn’t resort to foul language like other politicians.”
She added, “When he came to my show, I would stay very reserved because people would tell me that the individuals who made an appearance on the show were there because of me. I wouldn’t smile or talk a lot. However, for some very strange reason, I’d call the other politicians like Mustafa Kamal ‘bhai’, but not him.”
Sabzwari expressed his views on state of education system in Pakistan, he said, “We’re going towards a social implosion. The government, regardless of who they are, serve as a punching bag. However, overall the deterioration of society that we are witnessing, that is mind-boggling.”
He added, “What kind of education have we provided our people? What kind of upbringing? We often talk about how social media in our country, how a Nobel Prize winner and an uneducated individual have the same number of characters to speak through on Twitter. In our society, unfortunately, social media is very toxic. That’s the case in the rest of the world also, but here we have quite a few educated fools. We didn’t even try to produce open-minded people. I know PhD doctors who don’t know how to think for themselves. What can be more worrisome than that?”
Sabzwari asserted, “We need to start investing in the social sector and produce educated people who know how to think. I have a friend who is a chartered accountant. His son wanted to study economics, so the university that he went to, that university alone has three dozen Nobel Prize winners in economics. If this American university, with an endowment greater than Pakistan’s total foreign reserves, is producing so many intellectuals, then it means that they are giving education priority.”
He further added, “Even God has said that there are signs for those who are willing to think. Our religion focuses on education, but what kind of education? Not textbook education that keeps changing depending on whose government is in charge. No one focuses on producing thinking individuals, because when you think, you ask questions.”