Prince Harry ‘extremely fearful’ of his family’s safety in UK

Prince Harry reportedly has ‘extreme fears’ over his and his family’s safety in the UK

By Web Desk | May 24, 2024
Prince Harry ‘extremely fearful’ of his family’s safety in UK
Prince Harry reportedly has ‘extreme fears’ over his and his family’s safety in the UK

Prince Harry reportedly has ‘extreme fears’ over his and his family’s safety in his home country, UK, a royal expert has claimed.

Talking to GB News, royal expert Michael Cole shared his thoughts on why the Duke of Sussex reportedly turned down an invite from King Charles to stay at a royal residence while in the UK earlier this month.

Prince Harry, as per The Telegraph, chose to stay at a London hotel instead.

Cole claimed that “Prince Harry is entertaining extreme fears about the safety of himself and his family” in the UK.

The expert told GB News: “Maybe that is to do with the fact that he very unwisely disclosed in Spare that he had personally killed 25 Taliban fighters (while in the Army) which painted a Target on his back.”

“His sense of insecurity has now manifested itself by saying he won't stay in a royal residence protected by Scotland Yard and would prefer to stay in a hotel in Mayfair, which is an extraordinary thing.”

Fellow guest on GB News, expert Richard Fitzwilliams echoed Cole’s analysis, highlighting that the former Met Police chief Neil Basu has, in fact, warned of a “far-right terrorist potential threat with incidences of concern regarding Prince Harry and his family.”

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